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Venue: the Van der Valk Hotel Oostzaan, the Netherlands. Address: Westeinde (Verlengde Stellingweg) 1, 1511 MA Oostzaan. This is fifteen minutes by car from Schiphol Airport, free parking available.

10 November 2022: Lunch and guided visits to the Asbestos Museum and the Asbetter denaturation plant

The EAF conference will host exclusive, guided tours to the unique and fascinating Dutch Asbestos Museum and the Asbetter denaturation plant. At the Asbetter plant, asbestos is destroyed (‘denatured’) using two different, state of the art methods (industrial waste acid and, of all things, water!). Start: luncheon at the venue at 12:00, then we will leave for the tour at 12:45 and be back at the venue by 17:00 hours. Transportation will be included in the price. 

11 November 2022: classic conference

The EAF conference excels in providing the opportunity to meet relevant specialists from around the globe, learn and share state of the art science and innovations of every conceivable field relating to asbestos and to build lasting, helpful networks. Speakers and presentations may be subject to change. See below for the programme. During the afternoon sessions, you can switch quickly between presentations through the connecting door, so you can pick and choose from sessions A and B what interests you the most!


  • (A) Excursion, including lunch and transportation: € 150,-  ex VAT
  • (B) Conference, including deluxe lunch and drinks reception: € 550,-  ex VAT
  • (C) Conference, live-streaming only: € 150,-  ex VAT (no longer available)
  • (D) Conference dinner (three courses): € 75,-  ex VAT


Please send an email detailing the first and last name and company name of each person, also including which options (A, B,C, D) apply for each person, to: If there are any allergies or particular wishes, please add this information too. An invoice will be returned within a week; registration is concluded on receipt of full payment. 

NB: in the event of a Corona epidemic or such, the whole EAF 2022 event will be postponed until a later date. The EAF foundation is not liable for any incurred costs, damages, loss of income etc. as a result of such postponement. 

08.30 – 09.00Registration and light continental breakfast
09.00 – 09.15

Welcome by Dr. Yvonne Waterman FFAAM (President of the EAF Foundation)

Introduction of the Session Chairpersons: Nick Garland (Assure360) and Charlotte van Lent (Eurofins)

 Plenary Session
09.15 – 09.45

Opening Speech: Working towards a new, state of the art EU Asbestos Directive, by Nikolaj Villumsen, Member of the European Parliament

09.45 – 10.15New and old sources of exposure to asbestos: and the manipulation of science by vested interest, by prof. Arthur Frank (Drexel University)
10.15 – 10.45Fighting for an asbestos ban in the asbestos heartland, by Syed Mezab Ahmed
10.45 – 11.05Break and refreshments
11.05 – 11.25Female analysts and clearance testing, by Colette Willoughby (ACL) 
11.25 – 12.00Keynote Speech: Asbetter: the (dis)solution for asbestos cement, by Inez Postema and Angelo de Jong (AC Minerals)
Session A Asbestos and its impact on society
12.45 – 13.05 OpenAsbestos – the open standard for asbestos data sharing, by Robin Bennett (Start Software)
13.05 – 13.25 Establishing a National Support Service for mesothelioma victims, by Liz Darlison MBE (Mesothelioma UK)
13.25 – 13.45
The UK National Asbestos Register: working with QR codes to save lives, by Andrew Paten (UKNAR) 
13.45 – 14.05 Campaigning for improved asbestos management in the UK, by Charles Pickles (Charles Pickles Associates)
14.05 – 14.20 Break and refreshments
14.20 – 14.40 Mandatory asbestos survey and central registration to nudge owners into action and monitor progression towards an asbestos-safe Flanders, by Sven de Mulder (OVAM)
14.40 – 15.00 Using Artificial Intelligence technology to understand and manage the Australian asbestos legacy, by Justine Ross (Asbestos Safety & Eradication Agency)
15.00 – 15.20 Asbestos destruction plants: the importance of a workers safety programme, by Federica Paglietti (INAIL)
15.20 – 15.40 Pursuing justice in contaminated talc cases, by Brendan J. Tully (Simon Greenstone Panatier, PC)
15.40 – 16.20 Panel debate
16:20 – 16.35 Break and refreshments
Session BAsbestos & Professional perspectives
12.45 – 13.05The importance of measuring asbestos microfibres, by Sean Fitzgerald (Fitzgerald Analytical Consulting & Testing Services, Pllc)
13.05 – 13.20 Great advances in robotic asbestos microscopy, by Aron Cserkaszky (Frontier Microscopy)
13.25 – 13.45Denaturation of asbestos cement, by Rikard Högberg (INASCO Asbestos Converting AB)
13.45 – 14.05The distribution routes & exposure risks of asbestos fibres released through weathered asbestos roofs, by Jody Schinkel (TNO)
14.05 – 14.20Break and refreshments
14.20 – 14.40Real-time detection of airborne asbestos by light scattering from magnetically re-aligned fibers, by Loretta King (Alert Technology Ltd.)

14.40 – 15.00Asbestoprobe: a portable device that detects the presence of asbestos, by Emiliano Genorini (Greenwall Environmental Evolution Ltd.)

15.00 – 15.20New ISO standards to meet diversity challenges of Respiratory Protective Equipment, by Tony Smith (Sundström Safety AB)
15.20 – 15.40Gel-based products: the new way of encapsulating asbestos fibers during removal work, by Alexandre Chasteloux (BCL Invent) 
15.40 – 16.20Panel debate
16:20 – 16.35Break and refreshments
  Plenary session
16.35 – 16.40 Special Recognition Award(s)
16.40 – 16.45 Concluding speech, Yvonne Waterman
16:45 – 16:50 Two Special Announcements
16.50 – 17.00 Group photo(s) of speakers and audience
17.00 – 18.00 Convivial closing drinks for networking
18.00 – 21.00 Conference dinner (optionally)